Past issues of the team newsletter can be found here.
Please speak with your captains about additional resources for each topic, shared research and evidence, and any available briefs or analyses. Remember: the more you give to the team, the more you will get.
The NSDA website has many resources available to you through the school's resource package subscription. The school pays for this resource, please use it. On the resource pages are textbooks for each event, video examples, topic analyses, and multiple articles and webinars.
Please speak with your captains about additional resources including access to the extemp Evernote filing system, sample ballots, warm-up guides, and insight on how tournaments work.
National Speech and Debate Association Resources
The NSDA website has many resources available to you through the school's resource package subscription. The school pays for this resource, please use it. On the resource pages are textbooks for each event, video examples, libraries of scripts from past national tournaments, and multiple articles and webinars.